What Happened To QVC?

I’ve loved QVC for a long time. I used to feel very comfortable with the hosts. Lately, they seem to have been overflowing with male hosts, much older hosts and selling too much nonsense any woman is not interested in. David, in particular, has gotten to be very uncomfortable to watch.


Welcome @BellaDonna! Yup, QVC as we know it today sucks.


QVC is now a loose ship and it’s too late to save it


Welcome Bella! I agree. Speaks to a greater problem in society as a whole. Seems like as time moves on people have just gotten so more over the top in terms of what they share of their personal lives and just how loud they can be in order to be the center of attention. No longer are the products the star of these QVC shows but the hosts now are made out to be some sort of influencer with a whole personal brand behind them to sell to the viewer.


QVC has gone the way of DEI. The majority of their hosts lack knowledge about products and sales techniques. This has become the channel of social influencers with podcasts. They sell the same items over and over. Very little appeal.


What does that have to do with DEI?


For example: here is a show coming up on Monday: MenopauseMonday

Sandra Bennett 3-4pm


Good God.
Why don’t they do Tachycardia Tuesday, Weight gain Wednesday, Thinning Hair Thursday, (hot) Flash Friday, Sleep Sucks Saturday and Stress Incontinence Sunday?


And in the spirit of equal opportunity, why not add Erectile Dysfunction Extravaganza?


They’re saving those for Shawn’s podcast. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Send an email, they might add these.

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As I recall when the new guy in charge come to Quarte one of his major goals was to make QVC more diverse, so they hired Monifa and Vanessa, PJ and Steve,Nancy and let go of Dan and what’s her name(brain fart moment sorry)


Carolyn, they let go of Carolyn Gracie and people were furious

@MSMith99 you pretty much said it all. I can add some more, the endless and overly expensive Gourmet Food shows, the info-morcials hour long presentations on beds, vacuums, blenders, ovens, computers, the long waits for items to ship, hosts not giving pertinent info about the item, selling the same items over and over for years.
QVC has become stale and boring. They are desperate for customers and have sunk to New lows to get them.


Thank you! I could not agree more with what you said here. It is just QVC on repeat at this point. The same items just re hashed and packaged differently now.

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I have been watching via QVC FB groups as people report that QVC’s price-matching policy, which had been quite good until recently, has contracted more and more, just like their “free exchange” policy, which won’t apply if you want to swap a regular for a petite, say, or isn’t even honored as a free return if you buy the smallest size and it’s still too big or the item is sold out by the time you get it and try it on.

But this takes the overpriced cake. Glad I decided recently to stop buying ANYTHING unless it’s a clearance / Lunchtime Special, etc., and even then I think long and hard if I want whatever it is enough to deal with the hassle if there’s an issue.



Thank you, yes Carolyn.

:person_facepalming: Nothing that QVC has done over the course of the last few years makes sense.

Perhaps self imploding has an enormous tax write off?


Thought I would share this info here…

Notes from Qurate’s (Qurate is the parent company of QVC and HSN) Q2 2024 earnings report and call (Part 1):

QxH revenue decreased 4% (QxH is QVC U.S. and HSN combined–they do not separate the two for most reporting)

5% decrease in units shipped

2% increase in average selling price ($52.51)

Return rate = 15.9% (i.e., roughly 16% of what is sold, in dollars, gets returned by the customer)

Marketing expenses increased primarily due to the launch of QVC’s Age of Possibility campaign in April and associated brand marketing.

Age of Possibility:
330,000 new Facebook community members, a nearly 200% increase in the number of QVC social followers and more than 1 million visits to QVC’s campaign website.

But…an increase of only ~1,000 new customers from Q1 to Q2 2024.