For discussion about the official QVC forums.
Is RescueLover one in the same as Jonnysbro?
hmm. Jonnysbro has not posted in a long time
Jonnysbro just posted about his/her favorite topic: Lisa R. Waxing poetic about making millions from her home sale and how she’s living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Ellaphant is threatening to report Jonnybro’s obsession
I thought it was odd that JB uses such general statements as “set for life financially.” How does he know that?
Ellaphant is a character
What Q Forum rule does Ella think JB violated, I wonder…
QVC TV Spree (poster) warned people last night to quickly turn the channel if they see JRT because apparently her earrings were jangling on the microphone and driving people watching crazy.
I read that, too! The OP went so far as to say that their Thanksgiving guests were screaming for her to change the channel because of the noise, lol. Of course, she got accused of being overly dramatic.
No surprise, today I noticed both the Jane’s earrings and Lisa’s farm sale threads have been poofed for being argumentative.
Personally, I find a lot of the threads that mods deem “argumentative” to be quite entertaining.
“Janie’s Earrings” was a hysterically funny thread. Too bad it’s gone.
Having your TV tuned to QVC with a house full of guests all watching?
Color me skeptical.
I visited an out of state cousin one Thanksgiving and she had it on until well after dark. I’d say 7 or 8 hrs. Finally someone who wanted to watch football persuaded her to change the channel.
What I read - Some daft eccentric made her Thanksgiving guests watch shopping television! Twisted.
@lilygilder Ellaphant told me she reported me because I said something about Shawn. I laughed and said you need to report half this board.
“The postings that have been removed about Jane and Mally must have been a doozy. I can imagine, as it was hard to watch that show.”
"I had the show on in the background so I didn’t really watch but I heard the chattering on abd on by Jane and Mally screaming. I cannot watch or listen to Jane. She is a total turn off in every way, Mally is crude. Whoever thought this show was a winner is beyond me "
“So glad I didn’t watch–I have never watched the “50” shows–and hopefully…-----next year–they wilo move on to something else–one year of this nonsense is enough”
There were nine comments in total, I don’t see how they can remove these but I guess we’ll see. (This comment is from me lol)
those things always get removed but sometimes the comments are valid, wish they would get read by someone who cares, #willneverhappen
Not sure there is someone who cares at QVC mgt
I have sent a couple of comments about on-air host behavior through the FEEDBACK function.
I’ve received quick replies from Customer Service both times.
Of course, nothing changes but you know someone received and maybe read it.
"… Ali has to be the star of funny puns or anything humorous.
I think her puns are infantile and tiring, never really funny at all. At least not when she tries so hard to get them in every show multiple times. Plus, she is about to rival another host on how many times she can get in stories about her kids or running marathons.
All of which probably means she may indeed become the permanent co-host. " This was in one of the comments on Kirsten leaving and then whether Ali would make a good replacement for her with Alberti on Sat Q. I thought this description was good!
I read the following and the 2nd person speaks for me too
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Posts: 5,590
Registered: ‎05-24-2010
‎12-21-2024 08:19 AM
The Memphis something wrote:
i enjoyed it
i do not watch things i don’t like. clearly i would be miserable and whine about it.
“Why do you read posts you don’t like, and whine about it. It’s the same theory.
It’s human nature people. We watch and read things we don’t like. We comment on it. What’s the problem?”
I don’t see Ali enough for her to annoy me. Anyone who can RUN a marathon gets major kudos from me, though!
Ali gives me future Blabbo Jane Treacy vibes
Or extremely sad, and I picture her “guests” as a table with dolls or stuffed animals sitting in chairs.