QVC Live Discussion

For live discussion of QVC hosts, products, and booger smearing.


im watching Amy, who needs to lay off the self tanner, sell that awfull logo TS
i canā€™t image she really wears this stuff,


@UglyBetty is this for a running commentary on what is on air now


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, but Live instead of Sales Prevention Team since we already have the individual threads.


I went to a Christmas lunch where Vtg Wine Estates was offered it was not great, they make it sound a lot better than it is


Mr. Wonderful needs a new name. I saw two presentations, and in both he took a swig of his wine and then yelled so loud I expect anyone living within a 10-mile radius thought it was a tornado siren.

Also, I hate wine, so maybe I just donā€™t get it, but if heā€™s such a great vintner, why is he under the same label as Diva, Valerie Bertinelli, the Blue Jean Chef (didnā€™t she have a run?), etc.?


Mr. ā€œNot soā€ Wonderful, now shilling a Juniorā€™s Cheesecake knock-off as Chef Wonderful. Oy. Annoying!


Cmon Q, bring back Rippleā€¦the endless possibilities of sales presentationsā€¦


Boones farm apple wine!!


why is Alberti wearing that apron?

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 6.57.16 PM Medium

He and Sandra are hosting a gardening show together. Sandra has one one too.

This isnā€™t about anything ā€œlive,ā€ but I donā€™t know where it fits. Have any of you seen the Instagram posts/videos by Dana Bledsoe, formerly of Dr. Perricone? Some people have reposted them on Facebook. (Iā€™m not on Instagram.).

I guess she is no longer the rep for Perricone. She is living abroad and Iā€™m not sure if Q wouldnā€™t let her do remotes, or what. No big deal to me. My view may be shaded by what I have read on our boards. She is alluding to what a terrible company QVC is and how they have done some hosts wrong and how terrible the environment there is for the ā€œlittle people,ā€ including hosts. I am cynical enough to think this is an attention grab from her and a way to keep herself in the public eye. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. And maybe sour grapes because she isnā€™t the Perricone rep anymore.


i saw that, interesting
Q must have some heavyhanded NDA b/c you never hear about ex hosts talking about the company


Yes, this seems to be true, which begs the question, what gave Dana the chutzpah to go against them? Iā€™m not at all surprised, and I wonder if itā€™s because 1) sheā€™s out of the country, or 2) she doesnā€™t have much time left. I hope itā€™s the former and not the latter.

Sheā€™s also still a bit scarily and cultishly gaga over Dr. Perricone.


From earlier todayā€¦ I guess the last vestiges of Candace Cameron Bure have left the Q.

Instead of having a split screen with Candace filling us in on her favorite Lancer product; they replaced her with a reclining chair and demonstrations of the models of application technique. :laughing:

Plus, Rosina is now wearing glasses. :thinking:


Okay, I just had to come here to comment on something Amy just said. She mentioned her son got in trouble at school for using a potty word. Kim G and Alberti wanted to know what the word was, and she said she canā€™t say it because it is a potty word.

So, I am thinking he swore. No, she said that it was a word that a little boy would think was fun to say and started and ended with a P. Alberti said poop? Amy freaked out and said you canā€™t say that, it is a potty word. Lol. He and Kim seemed to react like I did. As far as I know, poop and pee are the sanitized words to use. Lol. Am I missing something here? What would you say instead? I cannot imagine ā€˜crapā€™ would be better.


I guess Amy is very sophisticated! :grin: :roll_eyes:
Perhaps her son has to say ā€œI attended to a call of nature in the lavatory quarters.ā€


Dare I saw I like Janeā€™s hair???


Next logo tsvā€¦
Everything goes with everything:


Piss? You are correct. Poop and pee are usually permissible now, although perhaps not as classy. When I was younger, we had to say ā€œuse the restroomā€ or ā€œempty my bladder,ā€ if we were describing the act. It seems odd that he would have gotten in trouble for saying poop/pee though. Maybe itā€™s a religious school?