Something rubs me the wrong way. She seems more desperate for attention and full of herself than on QVC. Maybe that’s the Housewives editing, maybe it’s not being constrained to QVC’s rules, or maybe it’s her true self coming out.
For the record, I thought she was great on QVC. It was nice to watch an intelligent professional rather than the usual Q carnival of unshowered slobs, eating disordered MLM huns, narcissistic closet cases, future Botched patients, and codependent chipmunks with bad highlights.
And spoiler alert…
In the season trailer after the episode, it’s revealed that she’s “dating” TJ (the other QVC host that was fired) but they have “not been intimate.” Mmmhmmmm… And of course, there he is, front and center, right on cue with freshly bleached teeth and a face full of Botox. Acting didn’t work out, QVC hosting didn’t work out, guess the Sketchers gig didn’t work out, so now let’s hitch our dilapidated wagon to the Kenya Moore of Potomac, fake boyfriend and all. I could say many other things about TJ and this intimacy-free “relationship,” but those jokes can be found in the Diva thread.
I too liked Stacey quite a bit. She was always polished in appearance. Her speaking was a little too much like “reading the news,” but it was OK. I don’t watch the Real Housewives shows, but I imagine she’s gonna have to being some drama to fit in. Too bad, because I did think she was among the classier hosts at QVC.
Well, based on the little shade she threw at Karen, she’s definitely listening to producers and willing to go there.
I have hope, but not if they go the route of faking a relationship to get exposure for TJ, who IMO has always reeked of desperation and phoniness behind an obvious facade.
I’m having flashbacks to Alex and Simon from NY, Kenya and all her boyfriends/husbands, and all the other fake ass relationships on these shows. You can spot them a mile away, and this one is glaring. They either want attention or exposure, but rarely (if ever) are they savvy/talented/intelligent enough to work a stint on Housewives into a legitimate entertainment career or a business with longevity… got news for you TJ… Housewives is the last stop before “Celebrity” Rehab with Dr. Drew or “Celebrity” Big Brother or Marriage Bootcamp “Celebrity” Edition. Phony as a damn $3 bill, and still reaching for the fallen stars over at TLC… say hi to Mama June for me.
The impression I get is that CJ is going to be depicted as someone who can’t have a physical relationship due to religious/spiritual conviction. I guess that might include him being in the Alberti camp, but it could also apply to someone who is straight. I forget what I heard, in the preview that gave me this impression, but it seems like a whole lot of bullocks.
Watched the second episode today and it showed more of Stacey’s home life and family. I didn’t realize how similarly multicultural our families are, so I’m definitely interested to learn more about her life. She seems like a good fit, but I still think the TJ “relationship” was concocted to give her a storyline and him exposure. When she told the other woman about it on their walk, you could tell she wasn’t buying it either.
I don’t watch most Housewives shows anymore, and will be honest, the only reason I’m watching Potomac is for Stacey. Are all the confessional outfits THIS bad? Attitudes By Renee could never. I would’ve said they bought these outfits on Easy Pay, but even the Q doesn’t sell fashions that… unique…
It’s all very bizarre. Stacey seemed to be in a stable marriage and relationship, then all of a sudden, she left the Q for Real Housewives and brought CJ, who may or may not be playing for the “other team” along with her.
Is it that folks really want to become famous and this is the only way it’s done, these days? Isn’t the market saturated with famous people yet? Especially reality tv stars who really have no particular skills or talents to justify their stardom. Too many of these QVC hosts really have this unquenchable need to become famous (and some truly believe they ARE stars in their own mind-Skanky and J.Conn). It’s like a pathology or something, practically a DSM-5 level of grandiosity.
@UglyBetty , yeah, the confessional outfits are often “ out there,” bordering on tacky at times.
I’ve been watching Potomac for Stacy, too. Had not watched it previously. Over the years, I have watched OC, BH, NYC, Dallas, and Dubai. NYC used to be my favorite, but I am tiring of most of them as there is just too much fighting. I want to see glamorous scenery, clothing, food!
She was married before going on Housewives?! On the show, I think she said they’re separated, and her and her husband switch from living in a DC condo to a suburban home every week for the children’s sake. So… did they all live together in Pennsylvania when she was on the Q? The timeline makes no sense.
Not like the marriage would have lasted long after signing up for Housewives, but now I’m second guessing her story. It’s also strange how the husband’s face is blurred out, but not the kids. I know for a fact both parents have to sign off on that. Maybe he doesn’t want any part of it? Or maybe she just doesn’t want him on the show, because he might say something that would invalidate her storyline/script.
Oh, the Menopause Monday gals are FUMING that she left them for Housewives! You’re so right, many of them are desperate fame chasers. I can think of a certain “fitness guru spirituality expert mommy blogger” who would be perfect for reality TV, although her delusion and lack of intellect is more TLC than Bravo.
Yeah, I don’t buy that story. I wonder if she really IS divorcing her husband, or is this all a ploy for her to be on the show? The platonic relationship with TJ and the fact that she and her husband are still living together makes this plausible, I think.
Time will tell. I can’t say I care at all about it, except to read about it here. I’ve never been a “Housewives” consumer. I have enough drama in my own personal life, lol.
The daughter, Arabella, appeared in the last episode, so dad signed off on that. I’m not buying the TJ storyline. When he appears, I think it’s for the famewhore/exposure aspects.
Yes, I just think it’s funny how he signed the release for his daughter, but not himself!
Maybe they created the TJ storyline because Stacey’s husband’s employer didn’t want him filming.
Either way, TJ is in it for himself. When he showed up in the trailer with the bleached teeth and Botox brow, I got the worst vibes…
I was rooting for TJ when QVC did that round of layoffs, but he comes across as very phony and desperate for attention. I looked at his Instagram or Facebook pages once, and it was all me me ME. Kind of eye opening, even for social media.
After watching, I finally feel like Stacey understands this show and will be more entertaining as the season progresses. She’s not afraid to go there, and the delusional fake relationship with TJ is not a terrible way of introducing her crazy side.
It seemed like TJ and the trainer knew each other outside the gym… That whole scene felt forced. I laughed out loud at how adamant he was about not sleeping with her. Here’s this attractive woman sending all the right signals, and he’s just like “NO!”
I’m wondering what type of exposure TJ is expecting from this show. On both Housewives and QVC, he never came across as genuine, charming, or endearing in any way. I hate my mind for even going there, but maybe Only Fans? Not an unheard of career trajectory in the reality TV world. Regardless, I’m strangely intrigued…