Many Housewives of QVC, and others, were quite taken with TJ’s smile, looks, energy, and hot bod. He’ll probably garner a fan following from the Q alone, whether people admit they watch or not. And I do not believe for a hot minute that they’re watching for his acting skills or his exceptional ability to sell more toasters and blenders than anyone in the history of QVC.
Episode 4:
No TJ cameo, and Stacey wasn’t heavily featured except for one scene where I think she admitted to still being married. I’ll admit I really zoned out during this episode, but kept watching because Mia’s botched face is so jarring! Must have found her “doctor” on Groupon.
Maybe next week we’ll see more of TJ and Stacey’s “relationship.”
This show is really boring compared to some of the other cities. The only topic of interest is Karen’s DUI, and she’s not talking about it for legal reasons. This is her second DUI. She will likely serve time, deservedly so. She’s very conceited and always looks like she’s sitting on a cactus. “Grand Dame” my eye. This is a dried up old hag who is blaming her parents’ deaths (from 2017 and 2018) for her decision to get behind the wheel that night. What about the parents she could have killed with this choice? What about their children? I have zero sympathy and can’t wait to see her uppity ass behind bars.
Episode 5:
TJ made an appearance on FaceTime!
One of the women compared their relationship to that of two kids in a strict religious school. I can see it, but still don’t think the relationship is genuine.
Stacey had a few funny moments, and she’s definitely getting the hang of things, although I wish she’d give up the goody two shoes act. The more I watch, the less I’m interested in TJ, and more interested in seeing her get into it. She’s very smart and can deliver a good read in an authentic way. I hope she brings it at the reunion to secure that second season.
Nothing on the show is real.
If I were in charge, the name would be changed to Attention Whores of Potomac.
TJ self corrected his IMDB profile to read "sexual orientation : straight.
Who does that, except for someone in the closet?
Yeah, I’ve officially checked out. Didn’t see the most recent episode, and won’t watch the rest of the season. Not interested in TJ the attention whore. Did you see what he was wearing on WWHL?
Very straight.
Where are his ice skates?
I didn’t watch the last show either. I don’t know the history of this show or care enough about all the others.
I’m late to the game. I had NOOOOOO idea about all of this. I just discovered it today when a clip from her (and his) appearance on WWHL came up as a suggestion for me on Instagram. I watched it with jaw dropped. At first I thought it was an Ozempic-Ed Kendra Moore but as I watched and listened and then they panned to TJ, I realized it was her. They completely “Bravo Housewived” her. She may be the new Jesus Jugs - literally with those balloons bolted to her chest and her “dedication to her faith”. She did have those on the Q, did she??? And she looked so classy and beautiful as a host but now she looks like the two-bit, plastic whore it seems is the requirement to be a “housewife” (even though the majority of them across the franchise spectrum AREN’T).
And I totally agree that TJ looks like he’s (as Phoebe Bufee said about her ex-husband) “in the Capades”. No straight dude dresses like that AND can practice celibacy when literally faced with those giant bazoombas. Please!
I have watched a few of the shows and she hasn’t dressed like that, so that WWHL look was a shocker to me too! Maybe she is changing her look and as you said, been sucked into the RH world. Disappointing, but also kind of fascinating. lol
I haven’t been watching, but heard TJ shows up at a party and tries to fight one of the other men while making a spectacle of his religious views and celibacy and degrading Stacey at the same time. Seems like a real prize!
I think he uses religion as a mask. He comes across as deeply closeted and self hating.
QVC is like a magnet for crazies when it comes to hosts
So true, BookEmDanno! I don’t watch all the other shopping channels, just HSN occasionally or ShopHQ for some of their jewelry shows. But although a few of the HSN/SHQ hosts aren’t particularly likable, they seem to be competent, professional salespeople with none of the drama, weirdness, narcissism or just plain looney tunes conduct we see in much of the QVC cast.
I haven’t seen the level of behavior on display at the Q since the time when my ex-husband managed an assisted living home for psychiatric patients. Their stories aren’t mine to tell, but…I saw a lot.
You speak for me too about the other channels. I think about that every time I watch HSN.
Got caught up, although I skipped through any scenes Stacey wasn’t in.
They were at a party, Stacey innocently asked if he liked the flower arrangements, and like a 5yo, he snapped back “that’s a girl question.”
I’m not one to laugh at closeted men, but this is just too funny. Him and Stacey were playing a painting game, and whoever won would get a prize. Stacey’s prize was to “give” TJ something, she didn’t outright say it, but it was implied… and he said “give me a few hours at the gym.” (remember how he was flirting with the trainer in the first episode?)
Using religion as an excuse to be a jerk, story as old as time.
Something else to note. At the party, TJ told another guest he left QVC because he found the “new hosts were getting $56k bonuses.” Guess he didn’t get one, and that’s why he stormed off, only to further embarrass himself on Housewives.
He’s a fool, and she’s an idiot. Who would stay with someone like this??
Being on this show hasn’t increased his followers on IG.
I’ve never watched any of the Real Housewives shows. They’re not scripted?
Not scripted, but producers guide the cast based on the storylines they want to push that season. They’ll do this by holding up a prompter during filming “make sure to mention xyz!!” or texting the cast. I know how the sausage is made, and can say TJ’s on screen behavior is all him. Even Stacey looks uncomfortable at times. His self-deluded ego is too big, even for this show.
TJ is getting annihilated on Housewives forums. They seem to like Stacey.
I try not to get invested because it’s just entertainment, but it’s been interesting seeing both of them move from QVC to reality, especially hearing mention of host bonuses. That’s the kind of info I tuned in for. Wouldn’t have watched Potomac otherwise, the cast is too boring.
Alright, so here’s the deal… I tried to quit this show, I really did, but they keep drawing me back in.
For those not in the know, the self-appointed “Grande Dame” of Real Housewives of Potomac is a trainwreck of a woman named Karen Huger. She’s been in the gossip pages lately for her most recent DUI trial. This is her second proven DUI (crashed her Maserati into a tree) but I’ve heard at least two other suspected incidents were plead down.
Despite her delusions of grandeur and attempted portrayal of a perfect life on camera, she has a local reputation of being the messy town drunk, complete with alleged infidelity and now what is by far the most batshit arrest video I’ve ever seen. Even amongst Housewives arrests, this is the craziest… and yet, her ego refused a plea bargain and took it to trial. Sentencing on January 29th, jail time is all but guaranteed. 60 day plea rejected, 2 year maximum, suspect she’ll get 1 year and lose her license.
Luckily no innocent parties were injured, which is why I’m able to laugh at the arrest video:
For those who don’t want to watch, spoilers below. Wig falling off, dentures coming loose, three sheets to the wind…
- Crashes into a tree near her house around midnight
- Uses her Gucci purse as a barf bag
- Calls her 80yo husband for help
- Husband shows up acting like this is a normal occurrence, gets covered in puke digging for her ID
- Car starts on fire
- Flirting with arresting officer
- Repeatedly declares herself the Grande Dame while handcuffed in a police car; continues to refer to herself in third person
- Claims to be a plantation owner (her subdivision was built on old plantation land)
- Admits to being “lit” while stumbling out of the police car
- Continues flirting with arresting officer, asks his name about 15 times
- Gets upset because her husband has her phone and likely saw texts with other men
- Says she’s rich and black while the officer is poor and white
- Declares herself “Thomas Jefferson’s concubine” (you can’t make this shit up)
ANYWAY, bringing it back to Stacey, I’ve started watching again and TJ is still making a fool of himself. They were at a love themed party at The Grande Drunk’s house and the game was sex questions. The question was, which partner is more dominant or submissive in the bedroom. All the other men answered honestly, everyone was laughing but TJ. Then the other women started grilling Stacey on their lack of romance, TJ became upset and said she’ll never know how DOMINANT and MASCULINE
he is in the bedroom since they’ve never slept together. Everyone exchanged laughing glances.
And now, it looks like there’s an uninvited guest crashing the party and Karen is MAD!
Are Stacey and StudMuffin familiar with the term “When Hell Freezes Over?”