Since it’s Christmas and Hanukkah today, I thought I’d post this. I was reading ‘over there’ and found out Bob Mackie had a fall in NYC. Here’s an uplifting post about what transpired:
"Mormel 20:
Thank you for posting this, Mormel. . I saw an Inside Edition youtube clip about this! Bob Mackie tripped on subway grates on the sidewalk and fell while he was on the way to see the Radio City Rockettes. Bob is on the mend and he seems to be in really good spirits .
The EMT who saved him is in her early 20’s and she happens to be a big fan of Bob Mackie’s work. The EMT took care of him and in an effort to boost his mood, she took out her phone and showed him her Halloween costume that she made that was inspired by the Bob Mackie dress that Miley Cyrus wore at the Grammys. Bob Mackie was delighted to see her costume."
That’s a great story. So to add to that I am wishing everyone a happy holiday. One week ago I had a large brain tumor removed that had been undiagnosed for maybe 20 years! I am so grateful to be doing well in a rehabilitation center with it seems like little to no cognitive deficits. Just some motor skills to be worked on. So I can still laugh at our snarky comments and enjoy the conversations. Feeling positive this day. Thanks to all our caring and witty friends
It was a huge shock but also having a diagnosis ment I wasn’t “crazy” like all the doctors tried to tell me. “Oh it’s just stress, old age, depression”. Now I know not to get passed over with those old platitudes. I am so fortunate to have incredible medical insurance through my husband’s work.
Thank you for your well wishes, it means a lot to me. Let’s look forward to a better year for all of us.
Warm regards from
So apparently (according to the anointed chat, not our wonderful chat) the Q is changing their name? If we discussed this somewhere I apologize but it was amusing reading comments that were less than their normal cheer-leading selves. They don’t think it means anything good for us. But one person quoted an official statement about it and this comment is garble gook to me: “Our winning edge lies in our differentiated live content production, fit-for-purpose retail model, and holistic content distribution.”
Seriously? I know y’all will love the winning edge varied live content comment.
They reference the complete statement that was linked on the chat but I can’t find that, sorry.
@AWD. Oh I’m so sorry I missed your post. How are you progressing? It must have been so hard to struggle for a diagnosis. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and do let us know how you’re doing when you can.
It’s been a tough road. The brain surgery went well and I was fortunate to “graduate” from an incredible physical therapy program at the same hospital. Set to go home when I had an unexpected reaction to the blood thinner they had me on. My platelets went very low and I ended up being moved back to the regular hospital for treatment of the allergy and now 2 large leg blood clots. Go figure! 25 days in the hospital but possibly going home tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Thanks so much for caring!