🐾 Paws and Remember

:blush: With so many Snarkers generously sharing personal stories regarding their precious furry companions, I thought it would be appropriate to have a special place to take a moment to paws & remember.

Not only those we have loved and lost, but those who are with us now, feel free to share!


Thanks for doing this! :heart: Great thread title!

And this way if anyone wants to avoid the topic of pets, they can mute their notifications by clicking the bell icon (below the blue reply button) and changing it from Normal to Muted. :bell:


:smile_cat: :smile_cat: :smile_cat: Mr. CrankyPants will not be silenced!


Many thanks for making this an “off-topic topic” so to speak. Wonderful that folks can come and post and exchange stories of beloved pets and even grieve together if that helps.


Here’s my George who waits with me in the car while my husband goes to physical therapy.


Yes, thanks for starting this thread.


LOL he looks like he means business!! :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:grin: :grin: :grin: @Phony_BaloneyBelieve me, twelve year old Crankypants means business. His one year old sister can verify that fact. But … If the truth be told, she is actually the resident troublemaker!


Here are some pics of my kitty clan. Our indoor kitties - Mittens and Coco - are 9 year old tabby sisters we adopted when they were just small kittens.

We also have three feral kitties who live in our yard. I told the story in another thread but, briefly, their mom, a neighborhood feral, had them in our yard. We had been feeding her and we continued to feed her and her kittens once they were weaned. She moved on when they were about three months old, but they stayed. Mr. Booney built shelters for them, and we have a feeding station for them on our deck. They live here and basically don’t leave our property. They are so sweet and good-natured. I would say they’re semi-feral at this point, but they don’t like me to pet them, although I sneak a pat or two now and then. The Tuxedo kitties are Smudge (boy) and Tux (girl) and the big, fluffy gray one is Smokey (boy). They, and their mom, have all been spayed/neutered.

Their mom, Oreo, still comes around for food almost every day. I have a separate feeding station set up for her on the patio. She’s very feral and never lets me get near her, but I consider her part of the feral family.

That’s my kitty clan!


@Booney:heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

I just returned indoors after feeding my outdoor felines, three gray tabbies, Luca, Lucy, and Louie. My elderly neighbor tells me that this family has been around for over 25 years! We been here just over twenty, and have loved and lost so many outdoor felines, but it’s been a great joy. My husband and a neighbor built a “three story” home that can accommodate up to eight cats. We’ve taken many kittens to local shelters, and also had friends, family, neighbors and others who adopted. We’ve adopted a few ourselves over the years, the latest being troublemaker Olivia Twist, pictured above with CrankyPants.

Our neighbors frequently drop off food and supplies for the cats, and we are so grateful for their love and support, as are the kitties. We’ve seen a variety of cat personalities, bold, shy, and otherwise, but even the shy ones eventually warm up and they all want hugs and pets. I can’t believe they have been here so long, and it warms my heart and soul to see them everyday!


Wow, that’s incredible! They’re all so cute. The three ferals look like they’re in a gang… :laughing:


:heart_eyes_cat::smiley_cat::heart_eyes_cat: Some people say they only come around for the food. CatPeople know that they come for the love!


What beautiful kitties! That was so kind of Mr. Booney to build shelter for the outdoor kitties. It looks like Oreo has a 4 leaf clover on her side. She is definitely lucky to have you!


Thank you for feeding and caring for all the cats and kittens who come your way.


In August we had to say goodbye to our dear golden, Beau. He was 14 years, 8 months old and such a sweet soul. We got him when he was 10 weeks old, so he spent most of his life with us and gave us so much joy every day. We have had 5 goldens, and it was hard to lose every one of them, but losing Beau has been especially hard. He was smart and funny. When he was naughty, he knew it, but gave you that big golden smile so you could only laugh and hug him. During the last couple of years of his life, he had a deteriorating nerve in his spine that made using his back legs increasingly difficult. But he never lost that big personality, he just kept trying his best so we did everything we could to give him quality of life as long as possible. Every one of our dogs has taken a piece of my heart when they went to the Bridge, but this one took the most of all.



:rainbow::cry::dog2: You have loved and lost five beautiful souls whose lives became wonderfully filled with love and kindness the very day they met you. Who knew our hearts were so big that there’s always room for one more? My heart goes out to you, especially during the holiday season when we feel the loss of those who are no longer with us, especially our four legged companions who give back all of the love they’ve received, and then some.The ache of loss may dull with time, but the memory of love is always there, and it’s good to remember what gave our lives joy. And always remember, we’re here for you.:two_hearts:


@Suzee2 Your words reminded me of this quote:

“It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

So sorry for your loss…I know the pain you’re feeling.


Thank you for the kind words, they are much appreciated.


Beautiful quote, thank you so much for sharing it and for your kind words.


Beau was very handsome! Thank you for sharing his story

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