Other Snark Sites

I’ve thought about posting something like this for awhile, and since users here are now openly referencing other QVC snark pages, it’s finally time.

This site was created to continue the community we had on PT, just without all the insane rules. From the very beginning, this site has been self-funded. Operating a site like this is not cheap. I have spent many thousands keeping this going, and it hasn’t even been a year.

This was never intended to be an income source, but events over the last few months have made this feel like a part time job where I’m paying for the “privilege” of working with users who DM me with childish complaints or downright harassment. Despite my efforts, several of these assholes have created multiple accounts and continue to harass me. This is no longer fun. I am quite literally paying to be miserable on a site that was intended to be a respite.

I understand there are other sites out there. Reddit was mentioned on another thread. QVC snark forums that are part of a larger umbrella are funded by the parent company’s ad revenue and are subject to more heavy handed moderation because of this. That’s what I wanted to avoid here.

I’m tired of playing babysitter for a bunch of demented 80yo who have never heard the word “NO” in their sad selfish lives; the type of dipshits who can’t accept differing opinions. I’m tired of being harassed. I’m tired of being used. And most of all, I’m tired of PAYING for all this.

Most of you have been great and I appreciate this community, but I don’t know if I can do this anymore.

I receive harassing messages regularly, am expected to play mediator for morons, AND I have to foot the bill? Would you want to be in that position?

I’ve thought about creating a fundraiser to keep this site going, but I know no one here would donate. Let’s just be real about that. People would pitch in $5 one time, thinking it’ll pay for a month of hosting, when it’s just a drop in the bucket.

I’ve thought about including ads, but that would lead to even more complaints via DM. “Why am I seeing ads for Viagra and Silver Singles? I’m OFFENDED!” Gee Susan, maybe ask your husband. Cookies exist outside the kitchen nowadays.

Not one single person on this site has ever inquired as to the funding. I doubt most people here understand the true costs of running a site like this. I’ve mentioned the monthly cost to one user in a pleasant DM exchange, but otherwise kept it private because this site was fun at that point.

Now that we’re mentioning and directing people to other sites, I feel less appreciated than ever. Like all of this was for nothing. My time, money, and emotional energy, all for nothing, not even fun.

I spoke to the hosting company and will make a final decision before the next bill is due in approximately three weeks.

If you want heavy handed moderation, by all means, join one of the other groups.

I don’t know what else to say without sounding like even more of a bitch, so will just leave it there.



@UglyBetty you have done an amazing job…and I applaud you. I know this may sound stupid but honestly, I have/had no idea how much, if anything, it cost to host a site/forum. I’m sorry people treat you like shit when we are all here for the same purpose-snarking on the Q … Thank you and I sincerely mean that!



:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: Believe it or not, I’m speechless. You have provided a happy home for so many of us, but there are some of “those people” in every neighborhood. I just hope that I have not been one of them. While we often share differing opinions, and at times irritate the hell out of each other, we’ve also shared so much more. I :heartpulse: each and everyone of you, and look forward to my daily interaction with everyone.

:innocent: UglyBetty, you are our fearless leader and true hero here. Whatever you future decision may be, I will respect and honor your choice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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Please tell us, how much does it cost per month to keep this site running? Thanks for all you’ve done. I’m sorry it has been a hassle and that you’re being harassed. That’s very much uncalled for.


I’m interested in how much it costs, too. I had no idea. I certainly wouldn’t want to be paying out $1000’s either! Not to mention all the hassles you’ve endured from some posters. (My skin is not thick enough to manage that!)

I so appreciate all you have done and also understand if you choose not to continue this forum. Are there any “ free” forum sites? I am no techie .


I participate in forums at these two sites: Tapatalk and Proboards. Might they be options? Have no idea if they cost to run them.

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Would posting ads make it feasible for you, UglyBetty? I, like others, had no idea of the cost involved with keeping this up and running. I would not be opposed to ads. If ads would work for you, maybe you could take a poll and see how everyone feels,. Thank you so much for what you have done. Reading here is always a fun part of my day!


Hi UglyBetty,
Wow. I mean, just wow. You go and create this for a big f u? You don’t deserve the bad treatment. I am upset about this. Is it feasible if you allow ads? I totally understand that you need to think this over even though right now it looks like the writing is on the wall. I don’t understand some people, I really don’t.


I’m with you @DottieD. Maybe we can all come.up with a solution if we know how much it costs.


I was unaware of the costs as well. I’m fine with ads if that helps things. Thank you @UglyBetty for all you’ve done. I really enjoy this forum and all of you.


Well thank you UglyBetty for all you have done … and it was great meeting you all … had some good laughs and shared some great information! Remember to Keep Snarking no matter where you do it!
Good Bye to you all!!
Over and Out!!


While I don’t post often, I do enjoy popping on to read everyone’s thoughts & comments. I hate that this has become such a burden for you, people forget that this is just the internet & in the big picture it’s just supposed to be something fun & distracting to what is going on out in the “real world”. Would certainly understand if you shut this down if the expense has become a headache. I know I wouldn’t care if ads were used to absorb or offset that cost to you. Thanks for setting up this community!


I assumed there was a cost involved in hosting this site, but could not fathom a guess as to how much. Investing thousands of dollars into something like this is unsustainable for 1 person.

When the PT forum shut down, I joined one of the Facebook groups that was being recommended on Reddit. The very first post on the feed was overtly racist, with the group admins joining in and adding to the racist discourse. I scrolled down and quickly came across a post that was overtly homophobic. I felt extremely uncomfortable and left within 2 minutes of joining. While PT had its issues with over moderation, it was preferable for me over options with content that crossed a line I considered problematic. This forum has maintained the good parts of PT, while being less heavy-handed with moderation.

I’m sorry that you’re dealing with so much harassment behind the scenes on top the costs associated with the site, and I completely respect whatever decision you make about the future of this forum.


This is the only forum I’m on. The people who caused this problem seem to be cowards. Bully = Coward
UglyBetty has been very lenient and it looks like that form of moderating has been taken advantage of.
It’s a very sad day indeed to know UglyBetty has been treated so badly.


Also, there are snarkers on the Off Topic thread who I still want to leave comments for - so many nice people going through extremely challenging situations. We are supposed to be here for each other not staging an attack on UglyBetty or each other.


Awww…@Phony_Baloney its not over til it’s over! Plus, you’re fun and helpful too.



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:blush::blush::blush: Aw, Shucks … Thank you!

Keep on Snarkin’ …


:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: I have enough trouble figuring out how to start a new thread. I haven’t even the tiniest clue how to start a site.

:grin: Maybe if I read instructions slowly and carefully, and paid a bit more attenton, it would be “one small step for mankind?

:thinking: But seriously … I have no objection to ads if that keeps this snarkingly fabulous haven alive and well. Ads are a part of today’s world, so keep on praying for “the courage to accept the things I cannot change” :footprints: :footprints: :footprints:


And here I was thinking Nik was the buzzkill.
Instead it was actually caused by a few of us.
Well, not us, but others who were formerly us - now those few are “them”.


:grin::grin::grin: I though of Nik as an added bonus … Like an extra large slice of wedding cake and three scoops of ice cream at your step-mommy’s fourth wedding!
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