California Wildfires

Just thought I’d make a separate thread for wildfire discussion as I know many of our members are affected.

It’s hard to believe these fires are still under 20% contained! :frowning:

For anyone needing a place to stay, several resorts in Vegas are offering discounts for evacuees. Best deal is at Virgin, newly renovated resort with cheaper restaurants and CVS within walking distance.

“Virgin Hotels has announced a “LOVE FOR LA” offer for California residents only. Rates start from $50, with no resort, valet, or self-parking fees. Rooms will also be dog-friendly if needed.”

Did anyone see the videos of people starting fires or quite literally adding fuel to the fire? Crazy stuff. :angry:


They arrested a few people for looting and I think they want the publicity of doing that to make people stop and think before they loot. It’s going to be a rough year.


:heart::two_hearts::heart: It’s truly a tribute to the American spirit of love, hope and human kindness to see Californians and others in unaffected areas rallying around their suddenly homeless neighbors, donating a variety of much needed goods, offering food, clothing, shelter, and moral support, people gathering everywhere from large buildings to parking lots, serving meals, and providing a safe haven, doing anything they can to alleviate the monumental task of easing the suffering, and tackling the process of rebuilding, if it’s even feasible. And a special heartfelt thank you thank to those involved in the rescue, caring, and feeding of displaced animals.

:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: Americans truly have the Biggest Hearts in the World.


@UglyBetty you bring up a good point about fire starters. This was a picture taken on January 2nd of a fire right off the freeway that we got stuck in traffic after I dropped my kid off at Burbank airport. It’s not an accident fire or a structural fire but a random brush fire. These types of fires in and around LA city and county has become common. It backed up the freeway but god bless those fire fighters got it out right away.


Yikes, glad it was put out! They’re saying it could have been anything from reignited NYE fireworks to a cigarette… :frowning:


It’s so horrific. I have to limit my news watching as all I do is cry watching the devastation and heartbreaking suffering. My daughter and her husband have a bag packed “just in case” and she’s encouraging us to do the same as San Diego is experiencing the high Santa Ana winds. We have been through this before with some large home destroying fires in the past. Prayers for everyone. Good grief this year has certainly started off in a bad way.


:snowman: :snowman: :snowman: We just came inside from another round with the snowblower, and putting fresh straw, warm blankets, and food in the KittyCondo for the outdoor strays. As much as I loathe the lake effect winters, at least when we finish up outside we still have a warm house to return to, hot coffee, or a cup of hot cocoa, baked cookies, and Berkshire throws. So many little things that we take for granted that are actually big factors on the comfort scale. It breaks my heart that so many people have had everything they hold near and dear taken from them in a heartbeat. They have escaped with their precious lives and little else, but where and how to you begin to rebuild life as we know it?

:heart::two_hearts::heart: I wish every one of you endless strength and courage, and that you hopefully find some semblance of peace as you forge on in the days ahead, that the simple joys of life will return, along with hope for the future. If not for my family, I honestly don’t know if I would be courageous enough to fight that battle, but my promise to you is to do anything and everything I can to help and support you from the other side of the country. :us: God Bless Us, Everyone.